Indeed, there is an extremely important parameter that is, the more people search your website, the higher the value of your website will be in the search rankings.
That means if you let employees access the Google page, then type keywords and then go to page 1, 2... or page 10 that contains your website, click on that link, repeat many times and in different locations. Different internet connections are also very effective, but require such manipulation many times and over a long period of time, it's like your customers find your website, and your website will be rated as important to the user.
The interesting thing is that XSEO will completely replace your customers or employees in the stage of website seo, XSEO will open a search page, type the keywords you set up earlier on, then search the pages in turn. in the search results until you see your website to click to visit simulated as one of your customers is looking for your website.
In the event that until the 10th page you still can't see your website, XSEO will automatically add keywords to your website's domain name and almost certainly your website will appear on page 1 of search, XSEO will set up a search engine. Repeat this many times many days many months...until your rankings get higher and higher and stay at the best possible level.